9-1-1 Texting and Photos with Location is here! Now your 9-1-1 Center or PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) can enhance the level of service provided to the public by supporting text messaging and photos.
This is especially important since the texting generation and others don’t even realize that texting isn’t supported! This glaring gap in the emergency call service was first exposed by the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007 when text messages from students fleeing the crazed gunman 'went nowhere'.

30 day free PSAP trial. No obligation.
PSAPs under 50k Service Population: $99/month
Between 50k and 250K Service Population: $199/month
Over 250k Service Population: $299/month
Colleges and Universities: $49/month
Texting, Location and Photos. The system enhances public safety by
enabling PSAPs to communicate with people requiring assistance using text messaging. Photos can be easily taken and sent to 9-1-1. The first message you receive contains
the type of help they need, their message, verified location, lat and long, and a Google
maps link. If the person’s location is changing, they have the ability to send location updates. -
Multiple concurrent requests for service. As requests for service arrive, the system organizes them for quick access. You’re notified when new messages arrive to help ensure you provide the best level of service.
One or more call takers. A request for service is broadcast to all available call takers to ensure the quickest response time, allowing one to respond.
Group conversations. One or more public safety personnel (call takers, dispatchers, etc) can participate in a request for service.
Transfer conversation. The request for service, conversation and photos can be transferred to another call taker, dispatcher, or participating PSAP.
QikText Auto Text. Decreases response times by allowing you to quickly respond to requests for service with pre-configured text messages, which can be organized by service type - law, fire, EMS, or general.
Three levels of PSAP Redundancy and Fallback. Helps ensure an alternate or backup PSAP is contacted should a primary not be available or times out.
CAD Integration. Allows Request for Service information and text messages to be passed to CAD in real-time.
Reports and charts. The command status report provides a snap shot of your PSAP, including response times, requests by city/zip, day of week and time period, and type of service required.
Operates independently from existing 9-1-1 systems. With the exception of CAD integration, Advanced 911 doesn't interface or use any of your existing 9-1-1 equipment or trunk lines. Connectivity to the public is accomplished using 128-bit encrypted Internet connections. Therefore Advanced 911 is able to work with any PSAP that can obtain access to the Internet. Normally this would be accomplished using PCs operating on an isolated network.
NG9-1-1 Ready. The Advanced 911 system was designed with Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) in mind, although it is not required. As call centers/PSAPs convert to NG9-1-1, we will be ready to integrate using the SIP/Simple protocol, which the NG9-1-1 standard is using for text messaging.